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IT management best practices

IT Management Best Practices and Checklist


If the title of this article made you pause, then you’re precisely the person who should be reading this. IT management best practices aren’t just a nice-to-have; it’s an imperative cornerstone for any modern business. Not following IT management best practices could translate into hours of downtime, compromised data, and irreparable damage to your reputation—not to mention a hefty sum in fines and lawsuits.

You can’t afford to take IT management best practices lightly, and yet, the shocking reality is that many businesses are still operating with an ad-hoc, reactive approach that’s a ticking time bomb. This article acts as an IT management checklist to ensure you’re on the right track.

Cost of Downtime: Gartner Study on the Average Cost of IT Downtime

Questions About your IT Management Best Practices Honestly

1. Do You Have a Regular and Executed Patching Schedule?

  • Why It’s Important: Regular patching schedules are not a fancy add-on; they are vital in strategic it management best practices. They protect your systems from vulnerabilities and ensure that everything runs at peak performance.
  • What’s Often Wrong: Ad-hoc patching is playing with fire. It means that companies are reactive, not proactive, in their approach to security and performance. This lack of routine puts you in the high-risk category for cyberattacks.
  • Patching Schedule: Why Patch Management Is Important

2. Do You Have Backups? How Often Are They Run and Tested?

  • Why It’s Important: Imagine losing your critical business data—accounting information, client databases, confidential communications. A robust backup strategy is your safety net.
  • What’s Often Wrong: Frighteningly, some businesses set up backups but never test them, ignoring an essential item on their IT management checklist. So, when the inevitable happens—a server crashes or a ransomware attack locks up your files—these backups prove useless.
  • Backups and Testing: Importance of Backup Testing

3. What’s Your Phishing Training Regime?

  • Why It’s Important: Phishing scams are a leading cause of data breaches. Periodic training can prepare your team to identify these threats before it’s too late.
  • What’s Often Wrong: A single PowerPoint presentation during onboarding does not meet the best practices in IT for phishing training regimes. Ongoing training is crucial, and many companies fail at keeping their staff up-to-date with the ever-evolving tactics of cybercriminals.
  • Phishing Training: The Importance of Ongoing Phishing Training

4. Do You Monitor Access and Permissions Regularly?

  • Why It’s Important: Every employee shouldn’t have access to every piece of information. An effective permissions strategy safeguards against internal threats.
  • What’s Often Wrong: Outdated permissions and a lack of routine audits. These create unnecessary vulnerabilities that are just waiting to be exploited.
  • Access and Permissions: Best Practices for Managing Access Control

5. Is Your Incident Response Plan More Than a PDF?

  • Why It’s Important: An incident response plan isn’t a ‘set it and forget it’ document. It’s a living, breathing strategy that should evolve with your business.
  • What’s Often Wrong: Many businesses have an incident response plan but never practice it, overlooking a critical aspect of strategic IT management. This makes the plan nothing more than digital dead weight.
  • Incident Response Plans: What Should be in an Incident Response Plan

6. How Often Do You Audit Your IT Management Practices?

  • Why It’s Important: Regular audits are the pulse checks for your IT ecosystem.
  • What’s Often Wrong: Infrequent or superficial audits that merely scratch the surface. Often, audits are only performed as a knee-jerk reaction to external pressures, such as compliance checks or security breaches.
  • Auditing IT Practices: Importance of Regular IT Audits

Counter-Arguments and Rebuttals

“We’ve Never Had an Issue Before”

If you’ve never been in a car accident, does it mean you stop wearing a seatbelt? The absence of a problem in the past doesn’t predict future safety.

“We Don’t Have Anything Worth Stealing”

Even if you don’t store customer credit card information, you have data that could be valuable to someone. Employee records, intellectual property, or even access to your client’s systems can all be leveraged by cybercriminals.

“Good IT Management Is Too Expensive”

Consider the costs of a single security breach: the downtime, loss of data, legal fees, and the blow to your reputation. Effective IT management is an investment that pays for itself many times over.

Cost of Cybersecurity Failures: Study on the Financial Impact of Data Breaches

Solutions and Conclusion

Now, let’s shift our focus from highlighting what’s wrong to charting a path towards improvement, employing the best practices in strategic IT management.

Consult with Experts

Hiring an IT services provider like PTS Managed Services can offer an impartial audit of your current IT setup and recommend specific areas for improvement.

Continuous Education

Your staff is the first line of defence. Make sure they are regularly trained and updated on security best practices.

Invest in Monitoring and Automation

Modern monitoring and automation tools are not expenses; they are investments. They reduce the workload on your IT team and improve efficiency, thereby saving you money in the long run.

In conclusion, good IT management is not just an IT issue; it’s a business imperative. Stop treating IT management like a backburner project and prioritize it as a key component of strategic IT management for your business. Before you end up learning the importance of good IT management the hard way, take a proactive step now. It’s never too late to transform ‘hopeless’ into ‘exemplary’.

If you need help or advice related to this topic please get in touch with us here